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The Career Development Funnel


Unless you are in marketing, sales, work at a coffee shop, are a scientist, or work with cars (I'm sure I'm missing a few others), you probably haven't recently thought of or used the term funnel recently.

Think about the purpose and design of a funnel. A funnel is a mechanism with a large top that then reduces the volume of something great or vast to something less or a smaller amount.

Stick with me here... I do have a point- promise.

Think about your career journey. Most likely, when you started in your career, you took on many experiences. If you are mid-career, you probably have had more than one job, perhaps in more than one industry. Upon graduation from college, you were hungry for that first job, hungry to gain experience. Hungry for 'opportunity.'

Once you have a few experiences, jobs, etc. under your belt so to say, you start to think more about what you like/dislike and your strengths in your job. This is natural. This is career development.

Whether you're sitting well positioned within your current organization or you're contemplating something new, picture a funnel.

You have to brainstorm all the possibilities for your career development or your next career move. But, then, you have to narrow the range of possibilities to something manageable. Sure, there are multiple industries and job types you could aspire to next, but are they really all the highest and best use of your time, talents and energy?

Enter the funnel- once more.

When I coach executives or mid-level professionals, this is how we start. We brainstorm and work through all the possibilities at the top of the funnel. Then, through various activities and exercises, I help my clients discover and target roles that play to their strengths- whether it's internally in their current organization or looking outside of their current company.

Just like in sales and marketing, there is a process to career development. You start out wide-eyed and broad, but then in order to make things happen and get the traction you need to get the results you want, you have to narrow down the possibilities and target specific development goals and opportunities.

If you are actively seeking your next career move or want to further enhance your development in your current organization, let's put our heads together and strategize your next move.

I offer 4 complimentary strategy sessions per week.

But, you have to take the initiative and have the desire to want more for your development.

Development doesn't happen by accident and your 'boss' isn't responsible for where you want to go. You are.

The question is- are you willing to take that next step?

To get where you want to go, give yourself permission to release the past

and embrace the future. Life is far too short to waste another day wondering, waiting, hoping for that next opportunity.

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