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The Brake & The Pedal

You've got to slow down to speed up!

'I just need a resume.' I just need to fix my LinkedIn profile.' 'I want to apply for this job.'

I hear these things SO often.

But then I ask:

  • Do you know how you want to add value next?

  • Do you know what's important to you in your work life and personal life right now?

  • How will you sell your skills?

  • What value will you bring to a future employer?

  • Do you know exactly how you want to serve others?

Yikes- now the brakes.

A job change or a career change yes, requires action, but it also takes time to slow down and discern what you really want to do next.

You've got to know and be able to articulate:

the value you bring and the problems you will solve.

Often times- people are apprehensive to think about a change or make a change, for that matter, until everything is just perfect in their lives. They think they will suddenly have the time they need to think about a job change; then they think they will be able to devote the time to creating an impactful resume; then they think they cannot have a conversation until all the tools- the resume, the cover letter and the LinkedIn profile, are just perfect.

The fact is- conversations and job opportunities happen all the time- whether you are ready or not. Even if/when you have the perfect tools ready to go- guess what- a job will not magically now just fall from the sky - because your timeframe is no one else's- just yours.

The truth is- you should always be curious, and always have your resume ready to go even if you absolutely love your job. Because life happens. Key accounts are lost. New bosses come in. Personal stuff shifts. That's life.

It's about how ready and resilient you are at any point in time.

And here's another tip- networking your way to a job- especially at a mid-senior level is most likely how you will find that next opportunity.

So, you've got to slow down to speed up and really think through:

  • Where do you want to go?

  • Who do you want to be next?

  • What are your super powers you want to utilize?

Oh- and I'm guessing you want to help people- I hear that ALL the time. But slow down to think through- HOW do you what to help people? Really drill that down to it's most finite activities.

Your time is now. Get ready. Get your tools in order. Start having those conversations. Because you just never know when life happens- at work or at home - and will require you to shift. And you don't want to shift or move into something new without having done your homework.

YOU have amazing talents to share.

The question is: which ones do you want to share next and how?

Take time today to slow down so you can speed up- when the time is right for you.

About Julie Shore:

Julie is a 25+ year recruiter/career coach that is passionate about helping professionals and students discern their next career steps and building an action plan to get there. Julie offers complimentary career strategy sessions each week. Schedule yours HERE now.

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