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Keep Moving: 5 Reasons NOT to Stop Your Job Search Through the Holidays

Even in the midst of a pandemic, and even if your local community is in a temporary 'shut down', do NOT stop your job search.

Speaking as a recruiter, a Human Resources professional and a career coach, here is why:

  1. When companies are ready to hire, they are ready to hire, and chances are- they will look at their current pool of applicants and candidates... not wait to re-post the job. Time is money.

  2. Whether we like it or not, the likelihood of additional staff reductions is coming and you will now be competing against those who have just received notice.

  3. You have the opportunity to chat and network with LOTS OF PEOPLE during the holidays. I know it may not be in quite the same way, but you can still meet virtually, participate in virtual networking events, and share your story with close family and friends that naturally touch base during the holidays. You want to know the WORST ASSUMPTION EVER? That family members and friends actually know what you do for a living. Ask them and let me know how you make out.

  4. More time. Chances are you will have a little bit more time during the holidays to ask family or friends to re-read your resume, talk through your situation and get others' feedback.

  5. Get a head start. You can get a head start on other talent who are taking it easy and pausing their job search by actively networking and applying to jobs through the holidays.

I know I used to cherish the week after Christmas when I was in the corporate world to catch up on projects because a lot of typical interruptions weren't there. So, during this week in between the holidays, you could very well increase your odds of connecting with a hiring manager or recruiter.

Remember- today is the first day of the rest of your life. Why would you put ANY ACTIVITY that matters to you on hold?

About Career Development Advisors:

Our mission is to serve organizations and individuals by listening to their needs and creating strength-based solutions enabling leaders and employees to make value-added contributions and great places to work.

Feeling stuck in your job search or frustrated in your current career? We offer complimentary strategy sessions each week.

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