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How to Avoid a Career Mismatch

Updated: Jul 12, 2024

The intersection between Hiring and getting hired: these are BOTH opportunities for a potential career or job mismatch.

But how do you avoid it?

Not to say it's simple- because it's not.

However, there is a recipe to increase the likelihood of avoiding a career mismatch.

Here's how.

For Employers:

  1. Clearly define your role. It's not enough to simply post a job and list a few responsibilities. Potential employees what to know what they will see, do and experience and HOW the job should be done.

    1. Will there be training? If so, how much? How long? With whom? Very few humans enter a job with the intent to do poorly. Think about it.

  2. Clearly state what success feels like and will be in this role and the timeline for expectations. For instance, to expect even the most experienced marketer or business developer to be bringing in new clients in less than 6 months is often times unrealistic.

    1. Building meaningful relationships takes time.

    2. You can't rush trust. You have to cultivate it in time.

  3. Be transparent. Share the 'why' your organization is so great as well as potential hurdles or bumps in the road. No one expects a job or organization to be perfect. That's unrealistic. So, share it all. Be authentic. Be genuine. This will help minimize surprises.

  4. Develop a robust and job related interview process.

    1. Don't ask leading questions like, 'You don't mind working overtime, right?' or 'You're good with working in a fast-paced environment, right?'

    2. Ask all candidates the same job related questions for the same position. Avoid silly questions like, 'Tell me the last book you read.' What? What does that have to do with how someone will handle your clients or customers.

For Job Seekers:

  1. Know what you want. The #1 thing I hear from job seekers that is going to hurt them before they even start a search is, "I'm open to anything." That will kill your potential and traction right out of the job search gate.

    1. You have to know what you want: organization type, size, industry and role.

    2. You have to know your values or your values won't align.

  2. Be prepared to share your story and value you will bring and problems you will solve based upon employer needs.

    1. The #1 interviewing pitfall candidates make is oversharing the WRONG information about themselves based upon what they think matters. When you are in job search mode, it's not about YOU; it's about the employer.

  3. Be found. Job postings are mega-expensive. So, if you are in job search mode, your job AS A CANDIDATES is to be found.

    1. Keep your setting reachable and open on LinkedIn. Don't hide.

    2. Upload your resume to a resume database or two, such as Indeed or Zip Recruiter.

  4. Practice and Prepare. Be prepared to tell your story in both interviews, casual conversations and formal networking meetings.

And the #1 way for both employers and employees to avoid a career mismatch: Network. People know people. Your current employees know you, your culture, your clients, etc.

If you are stuck on filling a hard to find position or stuck in job search mode, I am always happy to listen and help you brainstorm a solution. Here is a link to my calendar.

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